Diseases get classified into two different categories, one of the non-communicable disease and the other one is the communicable disease. Non- infectious disease are the ones which do not transfer from one person to another person. While infectious diseases are the type that gets transferred from one person to another. There are various factors which affect this transfer and climate change is also one of the main factors. The other factors can include close contact with the infected person, using the things the sick person had used, etc.

The following are the things discusses in the article:

  • Communicable and non-communicable disease.
  • Impact of climatic changes in Human health.
  • Preventing infectious diseases.

Communicable and non-communicable disease:

Infectious disease is a disease that is spread from one person to another through contact with blood or body fluids. Breathing the infected air or being bitten by an insect. Some of the communicable diseases are measles, chicken pox, Influenza, hepatitis, salmonella, AIDS, common cold and other food borne diseases.

It is always advisable not to stay in close contact with a person who has a communicable disease. If you happen to have a common cold or small infectious diseases like that, then you can stay away from people.

Non-communicable diseases:

Non-communicable diseases are the ones who cannot spread from one person to another. An infectious agent does not cause these diseases. Some of the non-communicable diseases are heart diseases, strokes, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney related disease, cataracts, Alzheimer’s diseases, etc. The non-communicable diseases also called as chronic diseases do not spread from person to person.


The chronic diseases must get treated if found at an earlier stage. The chronic diseases get caused due to diet habits, hereditary factors, and exposure to harmful substances for a long time.

Impact of climatic change in Human health:

Climate change refers to the long term change in the weather conditions. The change in weather conditions may lead to disturbances in the health of people thus causing diseases. With the constant change in the climate and the ever increasing global warming has resulted in the spread of a variety of common diseases like cholera, malaria, dengue and many other vector borne diseases. The change in the climate has become very appropriate for the vectors to reproduce, survive and transmit the infection to the hosts. Studies have shown that is the climatic conditions seem to change constantly like this then there are more diseases which can outbreak in the world.

Due to the elevated temperature the ice melts and the water capacity increases, due to the increase in the water capacity lands can get submerged and flooded. The flooding can cause many water borne disease outbreaks like cholera, diarrhea, malaria, Hantavirus, etc.

Prevention of such diseases:

It is tough to stop the ever increasing climatic changes we face. The best we can do to avoid such conditions is to stay more precautious. Make sure water does not stagnate near your surroundings and take measures to eat and stay healthy. In the end, try to do small things which would reduce the climate changes.